Monday, May 24, 2010

Spanish Speaking

Hey guys,

As we previously mentioned, Steph and I won't be available to come this week to run a film, so LAIFS will be having a spanish speaking week. We understand that many of you are getting into the frantic stages of the semester with final tests and assignments and so may not be able to attend. However, we do highlight how great this opportunity is for those of you studying spanish this semester and may have oral exams coming up. This is an ideal time to practice and prepare for those exams - in a relaxed environment, which generally helps the language flow.
We suggest that you meet as usual around 5pm at Mezze Bar on little high st, though if there are a group of you meeting elsewhere, please reply to this to let people know!! Cheers.

Saludos y suerte a todos!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Los ninos de Rusia

Hola amigos,

This week we will be watching a film again. We realise this is slightly out of pattern, but this is because next week steph and I cannot attend and therefore we'll have a spanish speaking group that week.

So this week, we'll be back in Arts 1, Room 206 to learn a little bit about the Spanish Civil War, by watching Los ninos de Rusia (The Children of Russia).

Los niños de Rusia [videorecording] / un film de Jaime Camino ; During the Spanish Civil War, 3 million children were evacuated to the Soviet Union and many never returned home.

Hope to see you all there!


P.S this will mean that week 12 will be our last film viewing week. If anyone has a burning desire to watch anything in particular, please do not hesitate to let us know!!